Royal Hass is a marketer born in the community of San José de Gracia in Los Reyes del Salgado, Michoacán. This place is found in the regions most favored for the cultivation of avocado, mainly because of its volcanic properties and the abundant residual moisture of the land.
This company has been constituted by farmers who have dedicated most of their working life in the cultivation of hass avocado. From them arises the need to partner and form a marketer responsible for distributing this unique fruit in the global market.
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At Royal Hass we dedicate ourselves day after day to the search for the best hass avocado in Michoacán Mexico.
After making a careful choice of the fruits, our commitment is focused on distributing the cargoes with efficiency and care, our service does not end until it arrives at the meeting point with the associated clients from abroad.
You can find these unique avocados in our distribution centers
1908 Tanya Ave. McAllen TX78503
Atlanta, Georgia.
Queretaro, Mexico
Our product is offered in boxes of 11.3 kg (25 lb) and Pallets (2,000 lb), the quantity of pieces depends on the size of the avocado. We handle caliber 70 to 32, for more specifications about the size see the following image.
Packaging Presentations
Box (13 lb)
(6 kg)
Box (8.8 lb)
(4 kg)
Box (25 lb)
(11.3 kg)
Pallet (904 kg.)
80 boxes
We Work With Certified Packing Houses
Take a Look of a delicious guacamole made with our exquisite avocados from mexico